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JANUARY 2023 - Chairman's Corner



Are you ready for the new year of reorganization? We have celebrated the year end and it is now time to start over. As you well know politics never end. One year rolls in to the next. This year 2023 will be a year of planning and electing leaders to carry through to the Presidential election year.

There are many exciting things ahead. On January 11 we will have the Governor’s Inauguration. It will be a wonderful celebration. Details as soon as I have them.

Our Morning GOP speaker will be Rick Farmer with the Newberry County Economic Development. Monday January 9. 10:30 at Prosperity Towne Center.

The Newberry GOP meeting will be on Thursday January 19 at the Depot in Prosperity. Our speaker will be Dallas Woodhouse with the South Carolina Policy Council.


In March we will hold Precinct reorganization. This is where we work in the local precincts to elect our leaders for the Newberry GOP. It’s an exciting time. We bring in new people to work with our long-time people to strengthen our Party.


April will be our County Convention where we elect the leaders for the next two years. The County Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. These jobs are essential to having a cohesive participation in the County.

May will see our State GOP Convention. We will elect the leaders for the next two years. This is a fun time when we meet with Republican from across South Carolina. It’s like a family reunion. There will be new people added and some of the old-time leaders will be missed.

There will be a lot more information for each event as time gets nearer. Stay Tuned.


Your current leaders are planning a Big event in 2023. And by Big: I mean BIG!!!

This will involve a super special guest that will draw a huge crowd. This project has been planned for two years. We will need all hand on deck for this.


Newberry Christmas Parade

A Tropical Christmas

Saturday December 3

We had a beautiful float. Shannon Moses along with Janice Likes and Susan Moses decorated his trailer and pulled it behind his truck.

Our float was decorated with Palm tree, flamingos, and tropical flowers. There were people riding on the float which had the Newberry Republican Party banner proudly displayed. Charm Altman was wearing a grass skirt, lei, and flower headdress. She was accompanied by a T-Rex. The parade was a lot of fun, even though it rained on us. It could not damper our excitement.

We had Shannon driving, James Wimmer navigating. Janice and Pete Likes, Robert and Charlene Ellis, Scott and Cathy Cain, and Tom Kostura on the float.


Prosperity Christmas Parade

Hometown Christmas

This parade was on Sunday afternoon. We had the float decorated with Christmas Tree, gifts and other traditional things.


The SCGOP Executive Committee is invited to the Governor’s Mansion each year.

Chairman Drew and Amy McKissick

Charm and National Committeeman Glenn McCall

Charm and Janice with Gov and First Lady McMaster

Janice with Lt Gov Evette

Pete with Charleston Ex Committeeman Mark Hartley

This is one of the honors of serving the SCGOP. You get to hang out with the Executive members from across the state.


Our Christmas Party was on December 15. The decorations were beautiful, the food was festive, and the friends and conversation were unbelievable. There were over 60 people. Some of them new to our Party

The tables were decorated with greenery, pinecones, magnolia pods and cardinals.

food and food and more food.

Good crowd.

Joe Steets with his “Ugly” sweater.

January 4th Karl Sease will be sworn in as the newest member of County Council. 5:00 at County Council Annex on College St Newberry. Everyone is invited.


Our membership runs from January to December. It is time to pay up.

$35 / person or $50/ couple.

You can mail your check to: Newberry Republican Party

PO Box 131

Prosperity 29127

Or You can pay at the meeting.

Payment is past due on March 31.

The membership is how we c continue to pay for events.

PO Box 131

Prosperity 29127

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