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March 2022 - Chairman's Corner


March 2022

It seems things are getting back to normal for most of our people. We had a rough year beginning but onward and upward.

March is when everyone files to run for office. This is an exciting time. Sometimes people talk about running and just don’t quite feel ready. Others seem to decide on a dime. Either way this is the time we start the Primary process. A Primary is when there are two or more people running for the same office. The Primary will be held in June and the person getting the most votes will then be the candidate for the party to run in the General Election in November. If there are candidates who don’t get a majority there will be a run-off for the seat. The run-off will be two weeks later.

We must work very hard for the Candidate of our choice if we are to get the representation, we are due. As soon as filing is over the campaign starts. The cost of filing varies depending on the office the person is seeking.

Our goal, as a political party, is to elect Republicans who have the best chance to win. These people must understand the Republican mission,

Promote our Platform and elect candidates who will support it.

Our Fundamental Principles

Right to Life

Religious Liberty

Private Property

Personal Responsibility

Traditional Values

Limited, Constitutional Government

State Sovereignty

Low Taxes Personal Right to keep and bear arms

Strong National Defense and a Secure Border

I understand the fact that we do not all agree on everything. Some Republicans are so HARD they are just to the right of Attila the Hun. Others have a softer side. But Most of us fall somewhere in the middle. We need everyone.

Republican Creed.

I do not choose to be a common man. It is my right to be uncommon.

If I can seek opportunity, not security, I want to take the calculated risk to dream and build, to fail and to succeed. I refuse to barter incentive for dole.

I prefer the challenges of life to guaranteed security, the thrill of fulfillment to the stale calm of utopia.

I will not trade freedom for beneficence, nor my dignity for a handout.

I will never cower before any master, save my God.

It is my heritage to stand erect, proud, and unafraid. To think and act for myself, enjoy the benefit of my creations; to face the whole world boldly and say, “I am a free American.”

Let’s get a Plan. Let’s work the Plan. Let’s win some seats.


We have a candidate recruitment Committee working to find people who are willing to step up. If you or anyone you know would be a good candidate, please contact us. We will have training for them and financial help.

Chairman: Alan Jenkins 803-940-0825


The February Morning GOP was well attended. We had 25 people. Our speaker was Scott Sandor from the YMCA. He spoke about the benefit to the community and their availability and program.

Senator Ronnie Cromer spoke about what is happening in Columbia.

March our speaker will be Sheriff Lee Foster.


The Newberry GOP met on the 17th. We had 48 people. Our speaker was Attorney General Alan Wilson.

County Councilman Les Hipp spoke about the new district lines.

Our speaker in March will be Congressman Joe Wilson


We have big things in the works. We are working very hard to bring Sen. Tim Scott to Newberry. We are inviting other small counties to join with us. If this comes together (and I’m almost sure it will), we should have a great turnout. More information as soon as I get it.


When the District lines were re-drawn, we are no longer in the 5th Congressional District. We are completely in the 3rd Congressional District. Our Congressman is Jeff Duncan

2229 Rayburn House Office Building

Washington, DC 20515

Phone: (202) 225-5301 Fax: (202) 225-3216

303 West Beltline Boulevard

Anderson, SC 29625

Phone: (864) 224-7401 Fax: (864) 225-7049

100 Plaza Circle

Suite A1

Clinton, SC 29325ne: (864) 681-1028 Fax: (864) 681-1030

Feel free to contact is office with any problems or questions you may have.


TALKING POINTS from February 14

General Assembly:

· Election integrity bills: H. 3444 and H. 4919

o3444: need Senate to concur, require county election commissions under state, no third party money, expand methods for already required post-election audits

o4919: tightening up mail in absentee, require photo ID number on mail-in absentee ballots, reduces excuses but allows for more in-person absentee

· School Choice/Education Scholarship Accounts (ESA) moving in Senate and House: H. 3976 and S. 935

oWhy the need for ESAs?

§ No other education reform can promise the quality of learning, the preparation for the future, the flexibility to meet the individual needs of a child, and the immediacy of impact that ESAs offer.


· Under Joe Biden, Americans are paying more for everything, and real wages are falling. As Democrats double down on their destructive policies, there is no relief in sight.

· Data released today from the Bureau of Labor Statistics reveal the Consumer Price Index skyrocketed 7.5% from last year – the largest annual increase since 1982.

· Americans are paying more for just about everything:

· Last year, Biden’s anti-American energy agenda cost families and workers in total an extra $1,000.

· Gas prices remain at a seven-year high, costing Americans above $3 a gallon in every single state.

· Watching the Super Bowl this weekend? Before you start cheering for The Bengals, you’ll be forced to pay more for your party necessities:

oGround beef: +13%

oBeer: +4.8%

oWine: +3.8%

oHot Dogs: +2.1%

oSauces and condiments: +5.7%

oChicken Wings: +11.6%

oCrackers: +12.6%

oAvocados: +24%

oSnacks: 8.2%

o2 liter soda: +12%

oFruits and veggies: +5.6%

· According to the Wells Fargo Inaugural Super Bowl Food Report, a full Super Bowl party spread may cost up to 14% more than last year.

· This crushing inflation is the direct result of Joe Biden’s failed economic agenda.

· Biden pushed a $1.9 trillion “stimulus” package, but the U.S. economy saw hundreds of thousands fewer jobs created in 2021 than what Biden promised.

· Biden has failed to deliver on his promise to provide relief from supply chain bottlenecks – cargo ships are now simply waiting farther out at sea to get to port.

· Total household debt across the United States rose by $1.02 trillion in 2021 – the most in any year since a 2008-09 financial crisis – largely due to rising prices for homes and new and used cars.

· Unfortunately for the American people, Biden has decided to double down on the policies that caused this inflation in the first place.

· Whenever Biden says the word “prices,” remember this: he lied about inflation for months, has lied about its consequences , and has zero credibility on the issue.

· The American people know the solution to Biden’s inflation crisis – historic victories for Republicans up and down the ballot in November.

Democrats Ignore Their Own Rules:

· Democrats have spent the better part of two years lecturing the American people on masks, citing faulty science, pushing punitive measures , and launching personal attacks while they positioned themselves as better than the rest of us.

· But time after time, Democrat politicians have broken their own masking rules.

· It’s clear: Democrats see themselves as elites who are held to a different standard – they believe their rules are only for the “normal people” they govern.

· Democrats’ blatant hypocrisy is widespread:

· Stacey Abrams posed for a maskless photo in a classroom as dozens of masked students sat behind her – now, more photos have emerged showing she was unmasked for most of her visit, all while the children around her were.


We have Trump Hats $20

Trump flags $12

Brandon flags $12

and Brandon bumper stickers $2

See Janice or call 864-415-7119


Executive Committeeman Report from SC GOP Exec Comm meeting on February 19, 2022

Chairman Drew McKissick gave a thorough overview of the red wave building throughout America due to Biden’s failed first year presidency, Covid overreach, 40-year high inflation and the hard left turn the progressives have demanded. Virginia’s unpredicted flip from blue to red in winning the Governor, Lt Governor, Attorney General AND the State House has given hope to many blue and purple states that a real RED tsunami is coming this fall if we do our part!

Drew gave polling results showing that the generic polling that has taken place recently in Republican vs Democrat/Favorable vs Unfavorable shows that the Republican party is scoring higher than at any time nationally in the last 30-40 years at this point in an election cycle. The only polling that was even close was in the week just prior to the Republican sweep in 2010 following Congressional approval of Obamacare.

We had a special presentation by Jared Bruder, the Executive Director of the SC Sheriff’s Association about the “medical marijuana bill.” Jared educated us that in the present form, all of SC’s sheriffs, all other SC Law enforcement, the SC Medical Association and others oppose the bill that the SC Senate just passed.

Our Executive Director, Hope Walker, gave a full report on the upcoming filing details and calendar for candidate filing.

Here are the full details of the 2022 Election Calendar for your reference.

if you’re interested, you can even track when candidates file at

She gave one important note that the media is likely not reported yet—we do not anticipate the filing dates to change due to any redistricting lawsuits that are currently underway.

Mark Bonnoit gave the political update and let everyone know we should ALL be recruiting door knockers, phone bankers and poll watchers/workers going into the election season.

Claire Brady updated us on the new SCGOP website that is now more functional and user friendly. The primary item she noted was that the SCGOP will list all the affiliated organizations in each county if the county chair will get that list to her. She noted that, as Drew and Hope both mentioned, the SCGOP is strong and we are even dominant in the state house and since a plethora of new organizations are popping up around the state, we have a responsibility to protect our brand and make sure those groups represent GOP values and standards.

The 2022 Budget was passed by the Exec Committee and Chairman McKissick brought up that the RNC is considering incorporating like the Trump campaign did and that we will study the issue as well. We know we live in a litigious society like never before and it’s worth us considering too.

The Resolutions committee brought up 3 resolutions which were all passed by the Executive committee: one on urging the SC legislature to regulate Big Tech, one recognizing that parents are the “primary stakeholders” in their children’s’, education and the last one supporting H3288 to amend state law regarding deaths by illicit drugs.

Tony Denny, the Rules committee chairman, brought up a clarification of state rules since Pickens County had a situation where new people who were not involved in precinct reorg violated State party rules by wrongly removing an elected precinct representative. There is an effort by people claiming to be republicans in several counties who are doing their best to undermine the party and Pickens is just the latest county to deal with it. The Exec committee approved the finding of the Rules committee.

We received a brief legislative update. Chairman McKissick asked us to phone our Senators and tell them to concur with H3444 with no changes. H3444 is a bill that deals with election security and integrity and among other things: outlaws drop boxes permanently, outlaws “private funding” to any election commission offices in counties—known this past year as “Zuckerbucks”, restricts early voting to two weeks, requires a witness signature, printed name AND address by the witness on absentee ballots and limits a witness to no more than 10 absentee ballots.

He finally informed us that the “medical marijuana” bill has been referred to the 3M committee in the SC House and will likely not come up until late in the session.

PO Box 131

Prosperity 29127

Your dues must be paid soon. $35/person and $50/couple. Send the check to Newberry GOP. PO Box 131, Prosperity, SC 29127

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