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April Meeting Minutes


April 21, 2022

Welcome by Alan Jenkins meeting called at 7:02 pm

Prayer-Chad Connelly

Pledge of Allegiance-James Wimmer

Republican Creed Alan Jenkins

Chairman's Report - Chad Connelly

  • 476 Republicans filed for offices in State of SC, 319 Democrats

  • Been to 15 states recently and this is happening all over

Les Hipp, Newberry County Council member is currently working on the annual budget.

Alan Jenkins introduced County Council seat district 3 candidates,

Karl Sease

  • Midlands Tech graduate, worked for SCEG, became Reactor operator. Married 35 years. BS in Nuclear Engineering at Maryland

  • Worked with Boy Scouts to earn nuclear badge.

  • NRA member

John Shell a county resident for 35 years.

  • Been married one year. 2 children from previous marriage. Wife passed

  • Landscaper and lawn service, worked with Metal Masters

  • Feels it’s time to give back.

  • Attends Irmo Church of God

House State District 40 Candidates

Rick Martin the incumbent, has 4 daughters and been married 33 years.

  • He is working to get money back in state budget for Newberry Co.

  • Rick is asking for our vote.

Tammy Johns wants to be the voice of Newberry County.

  • She is a business owner, and knows accountability.

  • There are 3 issues she is concerned about education, money needs to follow the child. Move away from CRT, gender issues etc.

  • Tammie stands behind and supports first responders and the legislature working on tax

  • breaks and other

  • Tammie is also concerned about infrastructure. County roads are in serious condition

A Debate between District 40 candidates will be held May 27 Fairview Community Center with dinner at 5 pm followed by the debate at 7 pm.

On May 14 another debate will be held at the Old Barn Venue in Chapin from 4-6pm. 2 | P a g e

Alan Jenkins introduced the Speakers –

Brenda Fulmer, Newberry Election Commission

  • Brenda is looking for Poll Workers for 36 precincts.

  • The Primary is the 2nd Tuesday in June.

  • Must be non-partisan.

  • Sign-up sheet is on the table

Kathy Maness, Candidate for SC Superintendent of Education

  • She is resident of Lexington, the 2nd Vice president of national league of cities. Former 3rd grade teacher and currently the Director of Palmetto Teachers Assoc. which is not associated with a union.

  • Why you should vote for me. 4 out of 6 candidates qualified. Candidates must have master’s degree in education.

  • 2 candidates are do not qualified, Ellen Webber and Travis Benson Students need to be ready for the 3 E's. enrollment in college, employment or enlistment in military.

  • There are quality jobs with technology training and trade schools.

  • Kathy wants to reduce waste in budget.

  • SC must recruit good teachers. SC has a teacher crisis with 1200 classrooms in the state without a teacher

  • Sc needs to focus on retention, with better pay, classroom discipline Teach basics not CRT. Expand School Choice

  • Provide Transparency.

Alan Jenkins introduce Senator Ronnie Cromer.

  • Ronnie stated that he has known Kathy for 19 years. Supports Kathy Maness

  • He commented on poll workers. Workers are paid $90 for the day.

  • Primary most likely will operate under rules from 2020

  • Election bill passed in the house yesterday

  • There was much discord over amendment regarding state elections commission.

  • Senate would have right to confirm nominees selected by governor thus creating a checks and balances. The bill also includes 2 weeks of early voting.

  • A voter must request in person for absentee ballot. A caregiver or family member may return ballot.

  • No drop boxes.

  • Ronnie said this will be a hot topic over the next few weeks.

The meeting was adjourned by Alan Jenkins at 8:13 pm

Marlene Spurgin


Charm Altman

Party Chairman

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