We are getting close to the election. Everything we have done will pay off but only if we get people to the polls.
On the ballot for Newberry County:
US Congress: Jeff Duncan
US Senate Tim Scott
SC Governor Henry McMaster Lt Governor Pamela Evette
Sec of State Mark Hammond
State Treasurer Curtis Loftis
Attorney General Alan Wilson
Comptroller General Richard Eckstrom
Sup of Education Ellen Weaver
Comm of Agriculture Hugh Weathers
SC House Joe White
County Council #3 Karl Sease
School Board #5 Hugh Gray
South Carolina Amendment 1, the General Reserve Fund Increase Measure, is on the ballot in South Carolina as a legislatively referred constitutional amendment on November 8, 2022.
A "yes" vote supports increasing the General Reserve Fund from 5% of state general fund revenue to 7% incrementally by a one-half percent increase each year.
A "no" vote opposes increasing the General Reserve Fund to 7%, thereby leaving in place the current General Reserve Fund amount of 5% of state general fund revenue.
What would the amendment change about the General Reserve Fund?
The amendment would increase the General Reserve Fund from 5% to 7% of state general fund revenues from the previous fiscal year. The increase would be phased in incrementally by one-half of one percent each year.[1][2]
What is the General Reserve Fund?
The General Reserve Fund (GRF), as well as the Capital Reserve Fund (CRF), are South Carolina's two rainy day funds, also known as budget stabilization funds.[3]
The GRF is used to cover year-end operating budget deficits when the state's General Fund revenue collections cannot fully fund the state's expenditures in a fiscal year. As of 2022, the GRF was mandated by the state constitution to be funded at 5% of the state's general fund revenue from the previous fiscal year. If funds are used, the General Reserve Fund must be restored to the constitutionally mandated full amount within five years. A minimum of 1% must be added back to the fund each year. For fiscal year 2021-2022, the state general fund budget was $9.27 billion and the GRF was fully funded at $458.96 million.[1][4][3]
South Carolina Amendment 2, the Capital Reserve Fund Increase Measure, is on the ballot in South Carolina as a legislatively referred constitutional amendment on November 8, 2022.
A "yes" vote supports increasing the Capital Reserve Fund from 2% to 3% of state general fund revenue and providing that the first use of the Capital Reserve Fund is to offset midyear budget reductions.
A "no" vote opposes increasing the Capital Reserve Fund amount from 2% to 3% of state general fund revenue and providing that the first use of the Capital Reserve Fund is to offset midyear budget reductions.
What would the amendment change about the Capital Reserve Fund?
The amendment would increase the Capital Reserve Fund (CRF) annual funding requirement from 2% to 3% of state general fund revenue.
The amendment would provide that the first use of the CRF would be to offset midyear budget reductions. As of 2022, CRF funds could not be used to offset a mid-year budget reduction. The measure would require the South Carolina General Assembly to provide in state law that, if before March first, expenditures for the current fiscal year are projected to exceed the projected revenue for the year, then the current year's appropriation to the Capital Reserve Fund must be reduced before any budget reductions. After March 1st of each fiscal year, the legislature could appropriate CRF funds by a two-thirds (66.67 percent) supermajority vote for capital improvement projects and to pay interest and principal on bonds.[1][2]
fiscal policy will put South Carolina in a better position come any inevitable economic downturn. You can read more about why we support these amendments in the op-ed, penned by our Executive Director Dallas Woodhouse. In the meantime, below are some fast facts about the amendments:
Our October was full of activity. On Oct. 10th we held our Morning GOP meeting. Our speaker was Cindy Risher, 1st Vice Chair of SCGOP. She spoke about ways to get out the vote. Candidate for County Council #3, Karl Sease spoke about his campaign.

The next meeting will be after the election (Nov 14) Our speaker will be Rick Farmer with the Newberry County Economic Development. 10:30 at the Towne Center Prosperity
Janice and Pete Likes represented Newberry County GOP by working at the SC State Fair for the SCGOP. The hard work never ends.

On October 15th we had a booth at the Newberry Oktoberfest. So many members showed up to help man the booth. We talked to everybody about the Republican Party and how important the vote will be on Nov 8. Volunteers were there from 9am to 6pm. What a day.
Charm Altman, Janice and Pete Likes, Marlene Spurgeon, Karl Sease and Kathy Sease, Bridget Bell, Dan and Cherrie Sneed, Becky Trapp, William and Lynette Zitzner all came by the booth to help.

There were also some interesting people to watch:

The crowd was huge all day.
On October 20th we held our monthly GOP meeting. Our speaker was Comptroller General Richard Eckstrom.

Our November 17 meeting will be held at the Depot in Prosperity. The Speaker will be Moms for Liberty.
Ellen Weaver for State Superintendent of Education:
· The Left’s lies about Ellen Weaver aren’t working
o She completed her Master’s course last week
· Ellen has a wide range of support
o She has former and current public school educators/staff on her team
o She has private, charter, and homeschool support
o She has support from several legislators ranging from the General Assembly to U.S. Congress and U.S. Senate
· Ellen’s experience and knowledge from working in education policy and prioritizing school choice for decades makes her uniquely suited for the job–she understands where public schools need help and support and the importance of empowering families to make the best education choice for them
· Meanwhile, Democrat Lisa Ellis still has not answered if she’s okay with “gender identity” material in the classroom and was even running Facebook ads saying she was running in Palm Beach County! There’s no Palm Beach County in South Carolina!
Henry McMaster:
· Governor McMaster faces Joe Cunningham on the debate stage tomorrow, Wednesday October 26 at 7 p.m.
· Republicans are fired up to reelect Governor McMaster and Lieutenant Governor Pamela Evette
· The McMaster-Evette campaign just announced they’ve raised more than $2 million this quarter, raising more than $7 million for the entire cycle
o The campaign still has roughly $2 million left
o But we’ve heard crickets from the Cunningham campaign about how much he’s raised
§ That tells us momentum is on our side–not his
· Under Governor McMaster’s leadership of making South Carolina a business-friendly environment, BMW announced it’s investing $1.7 billion–the largest in state history–in South Carolina’s upstate
o BMW is expanding its plant and will be creating 300 new jobs and improving the infrastructure in the area
· Another auto-related manufacturer will be investing $400 million into South Carolina and will create 400 new jobs
· This only happens when you have a pro-business governor like Governor McMaster!
· Inflation is the highest it’s been in 40 years
· Every single Democrat in South Carolina should have to answer if he or she agrees with how their Party and Joe Biden have handled this crisis
· Nancy Pelosi said earlier this week that we should “change the subject” when it comes to talking about inflation
o Do South Carolina Democrats agree with her?
· Republicans up and down the ballot and across the country are talking about inflation and it’s damaging effects on families and pocketbooks
o Meanwhile, Democrats are ignoring it
o They want to continue to tax and spend, tax and spend
Early Voting:
· Thanks to the new election integrity law, South Carolina has early in-person voting leading up to November 8
· Folks don’t have vote early, but they now have that option
· Early in person voting severely cut down on mail-in absentee ballots and pushes more people to vote in person and prove that photo ID
· But, if someone does meet the few qualifications for mail-in absentee ballots, they are required to put the last 4 digits of his or her Social Security Number on the ballot so that the voter has to prove they are who they say they are
· Every single county has at least one early voting location that can’t be changed
o These locations are operated the same way polling locations are conducted on Election Day
· Folks can find the early voting locations in their county at

Dear Friend,
Welcome back to my Week in Review newsletter. Please remember to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube for regular updates on how I am serving the people of South Carolina!
Calling Out PayPal’s Policy Overreach
Recently, PayPal Inc. released their updated Acceptable Use Policy fining users $2,500 for spreading “misinformation.” The company stated this was published by mistake.
This week, I sent a letter to the company’s President & CEO to express my concern of this overreach. Financial institutions should provide financial services; they are not engineers of social policy. They should not punish legal industries like firearms dealers or media companies because they disagree politically, nor should they promote credit to politically favored industries.
Student Loan Double-Dipping
The U.S. Department of Education recently announced that “federal student loan borrowers who made repayments since March 13, 2020, will receive an automatic refund for their payments,” including the interest and the required payment. Federal employees are offered a generous repayment program for their student loans during their service in the federal government—this reporting is troubling.
I joined Senator Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) and eight of our Senate Republican Colleagues in addressing a letter to Education Secretary Miguel Cardona seeking answers about federal employees potentially receiving refunds for student loan payments that the federal government made on their behalf.
Become an Intern in my Office!
My DC, Greenville, Columbia, and Charleston offices are looking for graduate and undergraduate students to intern for this upcoming spring session. This is a fantastic opportunity to witness our country’s law-making process and serve the people of South Carolina! To apply or find additional information on my internship program! For additional questions, contact the internship coordinator at or (202) 224-6121.
Spilling the #SCSweetTea on the Coast Guard
This week, I am spilling the #SCSweetTea on the Guardsmen from the Georgetown station. Members of our armed services put their lives on the line to protect us abroad, but they also do it to protect us at home too!
I am so thankful for the Guardsmen from the Georgetown station for this rescue. God bless these servicemembers as well as others patrolling our shores.

Sam Brinton has become the first non-binary, gay drag queen to hold a federal government leadership position. The Biden administration appointed Brinton as the deputy assistant secretary of spent fuel and waste disposition in the office of nuclear energy for the Department of Energy. Brinton uses the pronoun they/them.
Sign waving for Karl Sease

PO Box 131
Prosperity 29127
